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HLBWS Monthly Zoom Meeting, “Managing Land for Wildlife Diversity”

Invited speaker Derrick Wolter will present “Managing Land for Wildlife Diversity” to HLBWS members and guests at our regular monthly meeting, which begins at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom on Thursday, November 4, 2021.

Wildlife requires food, cover, water and space to survive. The specifics - such as the type of food or form of shelter - vary as a function of each species’ needs. Despite this variation, most species’ needs are satisfied through native plants. The thoughtful use of land and its active management can benefit not just plants and wildlife, but people as well. This presentation will discuss how to manage land for both plant and wildlife diversity, and why landowners should consider doing this.

Derrick Wolter has worked as a biologist for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for 22 years. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Science and a Master of Science in Wildlife Ecology from Texas A&M University.

Please note that social time will be provided beginning at 9:30 a.m. The business portion of the meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. and the presentation will follow at about 10:30 a.m.

Controlled burns are part of an overall land management strategy.

Controlled burns are part of an overall land management strategy.

October 26

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