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National Wildlife Federation Community Wildlife Habitat Program, Trinity Forks Ch., NPSOT

Katherine Barnett, Sustainability Manager with the City of Denton, will give a brief overview of the National Wildlife Federation Community Wildlife Habitat Program and how it fits with Denton’s other certifications and goals. The City has committed to a goal of completing the program. Having community members certify their gardens is one of the steps to success. Gardens that qualify as wildlife habitat gardens serve as havens for local birds, butterflies and other wildlife. Please note that the Trinity Forks Chapter will have a short business meeting at 6:30 p.m. and the program will start at 7 p.m. No advance registration is required. Information about how to access the meeting can be found here.

August 21

“Five San Antonio Butterflies You Should Know,” Phil Hardberger Park & Alamo Area Master Naturalists

August 28

Beginner Bird Walk, Mitchell Lake Audubon Center